I use to think that success was how much financial gain you had. Well, in that department I might be concidered a failure. But I now know success is about you, who you are, achieving your goals, your family, and it can also be your business in the mix.
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
It's not always bad
It was near the end of my shift, and this family walks up to my express lane because for some silly reasons all the other big registers were closed. They have a couple over flowing baskets and I was wondering how I was going to do this (express has very little counter space) with out looking like a slow bumbling fool. But get this, they pitch in and help bag and loud the carts. We talked a joked while I helped them for a good fifteen minutes I'd say.
Turns out they are from Monterey, CA. They hope to open a jewelry shop here in the area soon, but for now they go to the fairs and all. They chose this area because of the beauty of the scenery, and because of well all the reasons to leave California, need I say more. Exactly all the reasons I moved up here.
My shift ended late because of the great company I ended with, but it was worth it. On a few occasions now I have ran into people that I could help their business or could become potential customers for our business, and that almost makes it worth being a lousy cashier.
As I was leaving I regretted the fact that I didn't get their business card, or give them mine. But he did tell me to look for them at "Pig out in the Park" this weekend or at the Spokane county fair ground. So if anyone goes to either of these events and sees a nice family from Monterey, CA selling jewelry (charm bracelets I remember) let me know or tell them to visit this blog. I'm sure he will be looking to create some contact in the area for his business, and I just might be able to help.
Good night it's time to crash.
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Cell Phones
On the other hand I think they are great for emergencies and can be convenient when you just need to quickly get in touch with someone on an important matter.
But people let's get back to being human, for Pete's sake! Think about the other people around you that you are effecting with you rudeness or lack of attention. Gabbing on the phone can be rude and dangerous.
I've had cell phones in the past, but I must say I do like life with out a cell phone. At least I have my moments of peace while I am shopping, out eating, watching a movie, or what ever.
Thursday, August 25, 2005
I don't see how some families do it. We have tried for the last nine months to live on one income. We did okay (meaning barely paying all bills, but we were paying them), until we decided to also start our own business. This has forced me to go back to work.
I'm working at night so we don't have to put our three children in day care. I'm tired! I'm not the only mother doing this either. Here is something for everyone to consider. The next time that you go shopping after work think about the mother behind the counter with a smile on her face after a long day of three children, still willing to drag her butt into work for low wages just to pay a few more bills.
She gets up at the crack of dawn to give her baby a bottle. Then crawls back in bed and prays that the three year old Hellion doesn't wake up too early so she can get some more sleep. Then it's up, breakfast for all and some computer time while the coffee kicks in. A little later is vacuuming, sweeping, dusting, laundry, dishes, and the other daily (and I do mean daily chores) around the house. Then at of about 10 or 11:00 it's some form of exercise (maybe the treadmill, crunches for the baby tummy still hanging on, work out routine, kick boxing, or what ever strikes her fancy). What ever she does she can't forget the exercise if she wants to stay healthy and look good. Then it's shower and get around for the day just before she starts lunch. After lunch it's time for some business (at least in my case), more laundry, water the lawn, and other odd projects. Now don't forget in the middle of all that she has to do she is also changing diapers, giving bottles, breaking up arguments and kissing boo boo's. Then she might have a little more time for something she enjoys. By 3:30 or 4:00 it's time to start dinner, so she has enough time to eat before going to work. By 5:00 or 6:00 she's at work until when ever they let her go. Now tell me your day behind a desk, in construction, teaching, fixing cars, delivering, whatever it is you do, was worth giving that mother a hard time or even not simply returning her courteous and friendly "Hello" tonight.
I am going to say this once and for all. Cashiers don't get paid enough to put up with the crap we deal with from people! And these stores wonder why they have such high turn over in cashiers? Shees you think it's because we don't like being the door mate for everyone?!
So the next time a cashier says "Hello. How are you doing tonight?" Try (reach deep down if you need to) and say "Hello" or maybe tell her you're doing great, or not great. But talk to her. Let her know you don't think she is a servant you can shit on. You'll make her day, and I'm sure she will go the extra mile to make your day as well.
Oh, and one more pet peeve. If the place you are shopping at has an express lane, please learn to count. Not only is it rude to the person behind you, but express lanes don't always have enough counter space for a bunch of crap.
Okay I'm cranky and tired. I guess I have said enough, so I will call it a night.
Friday, August 19, 2005
Baseballs, Car Windows, and Driving Don't Mix!
I work oh about a minute away from home now. I was coming home at just after 10:00 last night. To get from Wal Mart to my house I have to go around the corner at Quad Park. Well last night I wasn't even at the corner when I hear this loud pop and feel glass shatter all over my left side. I slam on the break screeching to a halt and the first thought was "who the hell is shooting at my car?!!!" Don't ask me why, but I wasn't thinking about the damn ball park. It must be the California blood in me. Not until I looked over and see this baseball sitting in my front seat. Then it dawned on me what happened.
I was still shaking so hard that I had trouble turning the car around with out hitting the other curb. Then I barely remember sliding into the parking lot. My limbs felt like jello and I didn't know if I was going to be able to stop the car.
Then I got out. Slapped the top of the car a little, while cry (which I couldn't seem to stop) and said out loud "What the hell else can go wrong?" I still didn't know if the park would cover the damages or what. I was afraid that I would be SOL because it happened on the road.
Then coming at me through the parking lot are two young men (about 15 but they behaved like young men). They came up to me. Looked at me, tears, blood, and bundle of nerves, and asked "are you okay?" I was able to calm down, blot the blood off my arm, and answer "I think so. Is there someone here I can talk to about taking care of my car?" They told me that yes the guy who owned the park was there and they would take me to him when I was ready. The other young man offer his cell phone too me so I could call my hubby and let him know why I'd be home late, so he wouldn't worry. The boys took a moment to look my car over while commenting "nice car and cool car." That helped to sooth my nerves and help me smile because I love my car, it's a bright yellow Trans Am.
So I get up to the park a little more composed by now and meet Bob. He was a nice man, and didn't argue with me or question the damage. Again like the boys his first comment is "are you okay? Do you need to go to the Immediate Care?" I answer with a smile that I've got nicks and cuts on my arm, but nothing deep. That other then being shaken up I'm okay. Then we discuss who to call about replacing my window. Turns out to be someone I know and trust to take care of my window, Kim and Eric at Reliabel Auto Glass. They do a great job! When we were done he said "thank you for your understanding." I'm sure he gets people yelling at him for something he can't help.
We'll look back some day and think it was funny, but it wasn't so funny last night.
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Genealogy, Getting Started
Amy, but what if we don't have the elderly to go off of?What tools should we use?Or are we at a standstill?
1:48 PM
Sam, thanks for the questions. I haven't been doing this long, but I hope what I list here for you can help you get started. Where to start and where to look?
- Family; they are the best starting point. Family members can fill in at least one or two generations of at least names and hopefully dates for you. However, the best part are the stories they will tell you. Write down all of the stories. They may come in handy later in finding your family members. However, don't just take there word for all of it. You may need to get documentaion because as I experienced they can give you incorrect information that sends you on a wild goose chase.
- Certificates; the next best thing. There are many types of certificates or government papers you can use to help you with you family tree. Birth certificates can give you the persons date and place of birth, but most importantly the maiden of the mother. Without the mother's maiden name you won't be able to go any further on her lineage. Death records will give you birth and death information as well as parents names if the person filling it knew that information. Social Secuity can tell you a little, and may even give the mothers maiden name. Landrecords, military and tax papers may also give you clues as to who your ancestor was and were they lived.
- Census Records; one of my favorite forms for genealogy. If you can aford it you can access the acctual forms on www.ancestry.com. It's about $199 per year subscription. They also have a two week free subscription which is what I used. They were started in 1790, but it wasn't until about 1870 that all the family members names were listed. Prior to that it was only the head of houshold listed. Census records will tell you where your family was living every ten years. Their ages, marrital status, place of birth, parent's place of birth, occupation, and more. With Census records you can write a little story about your family member.
These resources will get in you started on the next two to three generations. It gets a little more difficult past the 1870. I'll go into what you can do to contiue your research beyond that point in another post.
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Our Jesse Chisholm Connection
What I was told by his family is that his Great Grandmother was a Chisholm. Well she was in a way a Chisholm. However, her last name was that of her father COOKE. Until I was able to decipher that incorrect information I was unable to make the connection.
Here is the Chisholm family going back to 1755. They were Scottish however, I have yet to find when they migrated to the USA.
Descendants of John D Chisholm
Generation No. 1
1. JOHN D1 CHISHOLM was born 1755, and died 1818. He married (1) BETSY FAULING. She was born Abt. 1760. He married (2) UNKNOWN. He married (3) MARTHA HOLMES. She was born Abt. 1770. He married (4) PATSY BROWN. She was born Abt. 1760.
2. i. IGNATIUS2 CHISHOLM, b. 1778.
ii. JOHN D CHISHOLM, b. 1776.
iii. ELIZABETH CHISHOLM, b. Abt. 1780.
iv. DEBORAH CHISHOLM, b. Abt. 1782.
v. ELIJAH CHISHOLM, b. Abt. 1784.
vi. JAMES2 CHISHOLM, b. 1770.
vii. THOMAS2 CHISHOLM, b. 1793.
Generation No. 2
2. IGNATIUS2 CHISHOLM (JOHN D1)1 was born 1778. He married SISTER OF CORN TASSEL, daughter of CORN TASSEL SR.. She was born Abt. 1780.
Ignatius was of Scottish descent. He worked as a merchant and slave trader in the Knoxville area in the 1790's.
Sometime around 1800 Ignatius married a Cherokee woman, the sister of Corn Tassel. Her name is unknown. They had three sons. The last child William was born in 1815, and sometime after Ignatius separated from his mother and moved to Arkansas Territory. When Tahlonteskee's group moved west to Arkansas in 1810, Jesse's mother joined them.
No one is quite sure what happened to Ignatius.
3. i. JESSE3 CHISHOLM, b. 1805; d. 04 Apr 1868.
ii. JOHN CHISHOLM, b. 1810.
iii. WILLIAM CHISHOLM, b. 1815.
Generation No. 3
3. JESSE3 CHISHOLM (IGNATIUS2, JOHN D1)2 was born 1805, and died 04 Apr 1868. He married (1) NANNIE BOWLES. He married (2) SAH-KAH-KEE SARI MCQUEEN. She was born Abt. 1810. He married (3) ELIZA EDWARDS 1836, daughter of JAMES EDWARDS. She was born 1810, and died 1845.
Jesse came to Arkansas with his mother and two brothers in 1810. He moved to the Cherokee nation in the late 1820's and settled near Fort Gibson in what is now eastern Oklahoma.
Jesse married Eliza, the daughter of James Edwards in 1836. Jesse's father in law ran the trading post near what is now Hughes Co., OK. Jesse took supplies into the plains. He learned many languages and was highly sought after as a guide and interpreter. He interpreted treaties for the Indians in Texas, Indian Territory, and Kansas.
He was known as an honest Trader and peace maker. He was respected by the US Army and the Indians. He was adopted into many tribes. The Comanche's knew they could sell children they had captured in Texas to Jesse. He would then try to find their families, and if he couldn't he'd adopt them himself.
Jesse died of food poisoning after eating buffalo meat that had been cooked in a copper kettle at Left Hand Spring, near present day Geary, OK on April 4, 1868
His tomb stone says a lot about who he was. It reads:
"No one ever left his home cold or hungry"
4. i. JOSEPH4 CHISHOLM, b. Abt. 1835.
ii. JENNIE4 CHISHOLM, b. Abt. 1830.
5. iii. WILLIAM EDWARD4 CHISHOLM, b. 15 Sep 1837; d. 19 Nov 1880.
Generation No. 4
4. JOSEPH4 CHISHOLM (JESSE3, IGNATIUS2, JOHN D1) was born Abt. 1835.
i. JOHN5 CHISHOLM, b. Abt. 1875; m. MARY MURPHY; b. Abt. 1880.
5. WILLIAM EDWARD4 CHISHOLM (JESSE3, IGNATIUS2, JOHN D1) was born 15 Sep 1837, and died 19 Nov 1880. He married (1) JULIA ANN MCLISH. She was born 1846, and died 1883. He married (2) HESTER BUTLER COCHRAN. She was born Abt. 1847, and died Bet. 1894 - 1896.
It is noted by Chris Robbins in the Robbin/Saunders Family Tree that Julia was Cherokee Indian.
i. MARY A5 CHISHOLM, b. 01 Jan 1868; d. 30 Mar 1946; m. WILLIAM VAUGHN COOKE, 09 Mar 1887; b. 1859.
ii. ELIZA E CHISHOLM, b. 29 Mar 1864; d. 18 Feb 1886.
iii. ANGELINE BIDDIE CHISHOLM, b. 14 Jan 1866; d. Feb 1894; m. SAM SILAS LEE; b. 21 Sep 1866; d. 03 Jan 1921.
iv. ALICE CHISHOLM, b. 12 Feb 1870; d. 19 Oct 1911; m. ALLEN STOKE ASBURY; b. 25 Apr 1867; d. 22 Apr 1950.
v. CORA ANN CHISHOLM, b. 23 Sep 1872; d. 06 Jan 1926; m. JOHN F MCKEEL.
vi. STELLA "ESTELLE" CHISHOLM, b. 06 Jun 1875; d. 1946; m. WILLIAM THOMAS WARD; b. 23 Oct 1870; d. 1936.
vii. JULIA ANN CHISHOLM, b. 15 Jan 1878.
viii. WILLIAM CHISHOLM, b. 1880.
ix. CAROLINE5 CHISHOLM, b. Abt. 1860.
1. Geocities.com Chapter Bio of Jesse Chisholm.
2. Handbook of Texas Online, Jesse Chisholm III.
And as they say the rest is history. Mary Chisholm married William Cooke. They had a daughter, Stella Cooke (my husbands great grandmother). Stella married James Rubin Ward, and they had my husbands grandmother, Ruth Ann Ward. She married Earl"Porter" Crooks. (Hince the Crooks name I have today) Well I'll pick up the history of the Ward and Crooks lines another time. We could probably write a book about Porter alone. LOL. He was a character.
Keep in mind when searching for your family. Names change spelling, our elderly realtives don't always have the most reliable memory, records can be incorrectly maintained, and there are many other things that can get you off track or keep you from pursuing a correct lead. It's like putting together a puzzle. You have to try the information several different ways until it fits or you know for sure it doesn't fit.
Happy Hunting
Once again a new direction for me.
Working for a Living
I had to find something working nights in order to avoid paying over $900 for daycare, so there goes my profession. That left nothing available using my skills. In the end it came down to two choices. Both interviewed me and offered me a job. Wal Mart needed help now, and UPS had to put me on a waiting list (hopefully for a job in the next one to two months). So I started with Wal Mart last night. Now to put this into perspective what I will make there will not even be enough to cover my grocery bill for the month. It's part time at barely above minimum wage. But at least it will give us some extra money to try to catch up on our bills until UPS calls. Now here is the difference. UPS offers full benefits for the entire family for part time employees and pays a deal more. I'm keeping my fingers crossed!!!
But Wal Mart is no easy job either. These cashiers work hard and they put up with a lot of crap from customers. If you have never done retail you should try it for a couple weeks. You'll learn to appreciate what they do for very little money for their efforts. Now I don't doubt there are lousy cashiers, I won't argue that, but there are a lot of demanding and rude customers who have never had to work in retail who need to show more respect. Just my opinion! So far though I would say Wal Mart isn't a bad place to work. I understand the low pay, really. It's a great way to weed out the lousy employees, and promote those that do a good job. Some of the Wal Mart employees who have done a great job and moved up do make a pretty good living I hear.
So in the mean time I'm still home with the kids during the day, and dad takes care of them at night. I don't have to stress over lousy Idaho daycare, or pay them more then my damn mortgage to watch my kids while making barely more then I pay them (that is if I went back to my profesion, I won't even make that at Wal Mart).
By the way Dad survived and did a great job last night. He didn't even complain! I do love him, even when I want to ring his neck.
Saturday, August 13, 2005
Paterson Principle 8
Sunday, August 07, 2005
Paterson Principle 7
- "How I Raised Myself from Failure to Success" by Frank Bettger. Frank sold Life Insurance during the Depression and was the highest paid salesman in America. (This is also the book we are studying at Selling North Idaho book club on Thursday mornings at 7:00 at Z-Spa in CDA. Come join us, and learn!)
- "Rich Dad Poor Dad" Highly recommended by associates of mine, but I have not yet had the chance to read it.
- "The E-Myth" also highly recommended by associates of mine.
- "The Paterson Principles of Selling" revived and revised by Jeffrey Gitomer (the book I am using for this study)
- "The Sales Bible" by Jeffrey Gitomer. One of my favorites. I also HIGHLY recommend his seminars. Also go to his website wwwbuygitomer.com and sign up for his Caffeine Ezine. He is highly motivational for sales people. I have worn my book out because I constantly go back to it for new ideas.
- "The complete Idiots Guide to Cold Calling" by Keith Rosen. If you have trouble making that first call to get the appointment with a prospect this is a very easy book to follow and get ideas from. Many different styles to try out until you find what works for you.
- "101 Way to Promote Yourself" by Raleigh Pinskey. Also one of the books for our book group. Many great ideas. I'm still working on this one.
How many of these have you read? Are you saying ouch, or patting yourself on the back? Well don't pat yourself too fast if you don't use your books regularly for reference or continue to educate yourself further. There is one concept that I see so many sales people struggle with, but if you want to be successful you better wrap your brain around this "you will never know it all." So set aside an hour a day to read and learn. If it is hard to make yourself read a sales book, then start with something you are interested in. Get yourself in the habit of reading an hour a day, and then it will be second nature.
Welcome to Success