I know. I know. It's not even past Halloween yet, and here I bring up Christmas! But sometimes the best gifts of the heart take a little time to prepare.
What ever happened to the old days when people made gifts for their family members and those gifts were treasured because of all the love that went into them? They're back! Now you can create wonderful gifts for the grandparents who seem to have it all and you don't know what to get them, or the family members who live a long way away who would love to see the faces of your family. There are so many ways you can create wonderful gifts from the heart through Heritage Makers. Even your children will love to read the stories you write about their ancestors and heroes.
Better yet you can host a Celebration. Give me a call to set a date. We can all get together and have fun sharing the wonderful stories of our family. Then with the credits towards books that your friends buy you can earn free credits towards the books you want to make for you family this Christmas. I know we would all love to find a way to not only save money on Christmas this year (especially with gas prices killing us), but at the same time give a one of a kind, with lots of love, form the heart kind of gift to those we love.
So if you are in the Spokane, WA/Coeur d'Alene, ID area give me a call to set up your Celebration. If not don't worry, we can still do something for you online. Call me today because the deadline for receiving your books in time for Christmas is November 30th. So don't wait call today to book your Celebration and get started on the most precious gift you can give. A gift from the heart.
I use to think that success was how much financial gain you had. Well, in that department I might be concidered a failure. But I now know success is about you, who you are, achieving your goals, your family, and it can also be your business in the mix.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Friday, September 22, 2006
Housewife is a Profession!
I am finally getting a handle on my life. I'll tell you depression can take a toll and sometimes you don't even realize it. It can sneak up on you and turn you into someone you never knew you could be.
I'm not a perfect house keeper. My home is clean, but lived in. I do keep it very clean. I sweep, vacuum and dust almost every day, but it doesn't look like a museum either. But when this depression set in, my house, though I still swept every day, began to look like I didn't care anymore. Even my husband was troubled by it. You know I didn't go on any medication, I simply got a call from my best friend, after my hubby, bless his heart, called her out of concern. She laid it on the line, and told me everything about my life she could only dream of having. I have a wonderful husband who loves me with a passion, would never even think of cheating on me, has never abused me, and would do anything to make me happy. I have three wonderful children, though not perfect, they do love me and I them. I have a nice home, and the ability to stay at home and take care of my family. We are now virtually debt free, other than two small cards we use and then pay back off. My life is looking really good right now. So why was it I was unhappy. Because I didn't take time out for me!
Ladies, you have to put yourself first. If you don't take care of you, who will? If you don't take care of you, then you can't be there to take care of the ones you love. I use to have a career, work out, stayed healthy and fit, had a social life, took time out for a bath and a book. But somewhere along the way I let life take control of me instead of me taking control of it. I gave up my career with baby number three (I don't regret that), I quit working out because it was too easy to do, I no longer had a schedule to follow, I got lazy basically, I gained weight, I lost contact with many of my associates, and I quit taking time for myself unless it was on the computer. The computer became my escape. Problem was it took me away from the house, my health, my husband and my kids. That wasn't good.
Today I have a schedule again. You may think well why, you're only a house wife. Because being a house wife is like any other profession. If you want it to work you need to run it like a well oiled machine. Which includes every element I need to feel like I am functioning at my best.
Here is a sample of my schedule:
I'm not a perfect house keeper. My home is clean, but lived in. I do keep it very clean. I sweep, vacuum and dust almost every day, but it doesn't look like a museum either. But when this depression set in, my house, though I still swept every day, began to look like I didn't care anymore. Even my husband was troubled by it. You know I didn't go on any medication, I simply got a call from my best friend, after my hubby, bless his heart, called her out of concern. She laid it on the line, and told me everything about my life she could only dream of having. I have a wonderful husband who loves me with a passion, would never even think of cheating on me, has never abused me, and would do anything to make me happy. I have three wonderful children, though not perfect, they do love me and I them. I have a nice home, and the ability to stay at home and take care of my family. We are now virtually debt free, other than two small cards we use and then pay back off. My life is looking really good right now. So why was it I was unhappy. Because I didn't take time out for me!
Ladies, you have to put yourself first. If you don't take care of you, who will? If you don't take care of you, then you can't be there to take care of the ones you love. I use to have a career, work out, stayed healthy and fit, had a social life, took time out for a bath and a book. But somewhere along the way I let life take control of me instead of me taking control of it. I gave up my career with baby number three (I don't regret that), I quit working out because it was too easy to do, I no longer had a schedule to follow, I got lazy basically, I gained weight, I lost contact with many of my associates, and I quit taking time for myself unless it was on the computer. The computer became my escape. Problem was it took me away from the house, my health, my husband and my kids. That wasn't good.
Today I have a schedule again. You may think well why, you're only a house wife. Because being a house wife is like any other profession. If you want it to work you need to run it like a well oiled machine. Which includes every element I need to feel like I am functioning at my best.
Here is a sample of my schedule:
- 7:00 am Wake up, Breakfast, and get Christopher ready for school.
- 8:00 am Christopher out the door and start house work
- 10:00 am Exercise
- 10:30 am Shower
- 11:00 am Business Planning: Plan out the phone calls, follow ups, story books to build, research to do, run reports, and any other business items to take care of that day for my new business as a Heritage Makers Consultant.
- 11:30 am Some genealogy research if there is time.
- 12:00 pm Lunch and then Jamie down for a nap while Justin plays quietly. (notice I don't do much business during the AM when Jamie is awake. That would be a very fruitless effort. It's better to do house work during that time)
- 1:00 pm Genealogy research on client accounts or my own. Storybooking of my own or if a client needs help.
- 2:00 pm Make at least 5 calls to potential hostesses or future consultants. Try to book at lest one party per week or four parties per month.
- 3:00 pm Dr. Phill and laundry. Watch Dr. Phil while folding and putting away the days laundry.
- 4:00 pm Christopher. This hour is set aside to help Christopher with his homework. We'll see how I do. I have very little patients, but he is doing very poorly in school and needs extra attention.
- 5:00 pm Dinner
- 6:00 pm (Wednesday) Bath time
- 7:00 pm Bath time for kids
- 7:00 pm (Wednesday) Game time
- 8:00 pm Bedtime for Kids. Hubby time for rest of night.
This is what works for me, and I will change it from time to time when it needs to be. Every body is different. But every woman knows control brings happiness in a household. Once again I have a career (based around my family life), healthy and fit, a social life, and a little time for me and time for the hubby.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Heritage Makers
I am so excited about this new phase in my life. I just got in my new Heritage Makers sample books.
They are beautiful! I can't wait to get back my first book. I am working on one about my children right now. It's a little brag book. Small enough to easily fit into a purse or even my planner. So ladies if you would like a way to share the story of your children everywhere you go, well it's here!
Do you like scrapbooking? Do you hate the mess you have to clean up everytime? Are you afraid to let the children look through it for fear that they may damage some of it? Do you find yourself in the middle of your project when dinner time rolls around and you've got to put it all away so you can use the table? Or maybe your the type of person who hates the hassle of scrapbooking, but loves the look of it. That would be me! Well here is your solution. Digital scrapbooking.
Now don't let that little word "digital" scare you. It's easy to do. First contact me so we can set up your account or party, or if you want to test drive the program go to Heritage Makers
on the bottom right of the home page select "try our online publishing system" and see how easy it is, or watch the video. If you want to do a party it will help you to earn credits towards the story books you want to write.
There are opportunities for everyone from the hobbyist to the professional. I fall in between that until the kids are older.
This completely shares all my passions. I love photography and the stories of my ancestors. I have been researching my genealogy for almost two years now. I love this because this is a way I can write those stories and preserve them for my children and grandchildren and all future generations to read. I enjoyed the genealogy so much that I kept looking online for something exactly like this that would combine my passions for photographs and family history. Then one day just out of the blue I received an email that I sure did not ignore, introducing me to this business. It was the answer to my prayers.
These photos are the samples that I received. They are handstitch, glossy, hardcover books. They are not only durable, but lovely to look at and handle.
My next projects will be story books of my grandparents. All of my grandparents are gone now. They only one living is my husband's grandmother. I plan to start with her story first. I want to preserve all of her story before it is too late. The others I will have to rely on mine and other family members memories to write their story. Don't wait until it's too late to write those stories. Because after grandparents are gone their stories fade. Make sure your children and grandchildren will remember their ancestors.
You can contact me at 208-777-4312 or amyrebba@adelphia.net to book your party today.

Do you like scrapbooking? Do you hate the mess you have to clean up everytime? Are you afraid to let the children look through it for fear that they may damage some of it? Do you find yourself in the middle of your project when dinner time rolls around and you've got to put it all away so you can use the table? Or maybe your the type of person who hates the hassle of scrapbooking, but loves the look of it. That would be me! Well here is your solution. Digital scrapbooking.
Now don't let that little word "digital" scare you. It's easy to do. First contact me so we can set up your account or party, or if you want to test drive the program go to Heritage Makers

There are opportunities for everyone from the hobbyist to the professional. I fall in between that until the kids are older.
This completely shares all my passions. I love photography and the stories of my ancestors. I have been researching my genealogy for almost two years now. I love this because this is a way I can write those stories and preserve them for my children and grandchildren and all future generations to read. I enjoyed the genealogy so much that I kept looking online for something exactly like this that would combine my passions for photographs and family history. Then one day just out of the blue I received an email that I sure did not ignore, introducing me to this business. It was the answer to my prayers.
These photos are the samples that I received. They are handstitch, glossy, hardcover books. They are not only durable, but lovely to look at and handle.
My next projects will be story books of my grandparents. All of my grandparents are gone now. They only one living is my husband's grandmother. I plan to start with her story first. I want to preserve all of her story before it is too late. The others I will have to rely on mine and other family members memories to write their story. Don't wait until it's too late to write those stories. Because after grandparents are gone their stories fade. Make sure your children and grandchildren will remember their ancestors.
You can contact me at 208-777-4312 or amyrebba@adelphia.net to book your party today.

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