I'm just loving this! I think I'm getting hooked on eBay. I have been selling things on eBay that normally I would have just given away or paid several bucks to place an add in the paper to sell a large item. Not anymore. I need help paying the bills, well it's time to sell some of our old junk that I am finding out is someone else's treasure. I have even been able to sell some of our old exercise equipment here locally and only pay a couple dollars to put it in the auction for a week. Love it!
I think the sell that I was the most amazed at was a book. It was a Nora Roberts trilogy, hardcover. I had a few gals fighting over it. When it was all said and done the winner of the auction paid over $17 for a used book plus the shipping, total $23. The funny thing was that I had got that as part of a book special package where I only paid $0.99 for it! Now how cool is that.
I may possibly getting laid off at UPS for a while. They are reorganizing the Coeur d'Alene hub. So when my mom found out she called me the other morning and asked if I would like a bunch more things to put on eBay to sell. You bet! She decided that instead of having a yard sale she would give it to me so I can sell the items from the comfort of my home in order to help us through while I am laid off. Then if I don't get laid off then it'll help pay a few more bills.
There is always a way out of any hole. It's just a mater of how hard you want to work at it. So those of you cringing after your Christmas splurging think of selling some of your old junk instead of it collection dust in the basement. If you don't need the money then you can sell it on eBay and have a percentage of the proceeds donated to charity. I was happy to see them start that. I may consider doing this eBay think long term, and donate some of mine to charity when I get my family squared away. Family comes first though.
By the way if you need lawn care this summer think about Tri-Cut. They were behind helping make our Christmas special this year. Their business finally started doing good this year and she felt like giving to someone. She enjoyed it so much that she would like to do this each year. She wants to find a family that isn't in poverty persay but who has just had a rough year and make their Christmas special like ours. So remember when you have a need for landscaping, sprinkler systems and lawn care give Tri-Cut a call at 208-704-2490. They give back to the community. Tell them Amy sent you.
I use to think that success was how much financial gain you had. Well, in that department I might be concidered a failure. But I now know success is about you, who you are, achieving your goals, your family, and it can also be your business in the mix.
Thursday, December 29, 2005
Sunday, December 18, 2005
Merry Christmas
Another year almost over. It's not been an easy one for me, but there has always been a silver lining peeking out from behind every cloud. It's been another year of three children, less income then before the baby, more bills then before and the stress of how do I take care of it all. But everytime that I have found myself overwhelmed with the troubles in my life I stop and think of the people who haven't even had the luxuries I have this year. At least I have a roof over my head, my family pictures, and every other luxury in my home unlike those who lost it all in Katrina. And most importantly I have my family here with me and healthy unlike many who lost their family member in all the disasters and in the war this year. Looking back I have a lot to be thankful for. So once again I thank God for all that he has given and allowed me to enjoy.
I would say that God has answered my prayers this morning too. I was in tears to my husband a week ago because I wasn't sure how we would be able to give our children a Christmas this year. So I started gathering up old things around the house like books, an exercise bike, some old tools and put them on eBay. We sold enough to buy each of the boys a couple gently used, but really nice and fun gifts with that. That was going to be Christmas for our boys (except for grandparents), that was until my neighbor with her big heart came forward and asked if she could go buy gifts for the kids and stuff their stockings for me. I don't know what I would have done with out her this year. She has never hesitated to watch my children for me when I really needed help.
Then I found out that my best friend has finally made plans and is moving up here this summer. God knows how much I have needed her around. Especially over the last year or two. I can't wait till she gets here.
It's been a rough year, but it's ending on a good note. Here is wishing all of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
I would say that God has answered my prayers this morning too. I was in tears to my husband a week ago because I wasn't sure how we would be able to give our children a Christmas this year. So I started gathering up old things around the house like books, an exercise bike, some old tools and put them on eBay. We sold enough to buy each of the boys a couple gently used, but really nice and fun gifts with that. That was going to be Christmas for our boys (except for grandparents), that was until my neighbor with her big heart came forward and asked if she could go buy gifts for the kids and stuff their stockings for me. I don't know what I would have done with out her this year. She has never hesitated to watch my children for me when I really needed help.
Then I found out that my best friend has finally made plans and is moving up here this summer. God knows how much I have needed her around. Especially over the last year or two. I can't wait till she gets here.
It's been a rough year, but it's ending on a good note. Here is wishing all of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Sunday, December 11, 2005
Look, Look, and Look again
For those of you out there who are trying to find your ancestors as I am, just a little encouragement and advice. Never quit looking over the same old notes.
I have recently revisited old website and postings that I thought I had gleaned as much information from as I could, only to discover there was something new that would open up a new door for me.
Also never quit asking your family for stories. Maybe even ask them to keep a tape recorder around, especially if they are like some of my husband's family members who are embarrassed to write anything because of their lack of education. Ask them to record their stories on the tape recorder and you will write them out for them. It's amazing the little details that are buried in our families stories that can shed new light on our heritage.
Happy Hunting!
I have recently revisited old website and postings that I thought I had gleaned as much information from as I could, only to discover there was something new that would open up a new door for me.
Also never quit asking your family for stories. Maybe even ask them to keep a tape recorder around, especially if they are like some of my husband's family members who are embarrassed to write anything because of their lack of education. Ask them to record their stories on the tape recorder and you will write them out for them. It's amazing the little details that are buried in our families stories that can shed new light on our heritage.
Happy Hunting!
Friday, December 02, 2005
It looks a lot like Christmas

It looks like we are going to have a white Christmas this year! At least I hope it doesn't go and melt too much, and I look forward to more of that beautiful white stuff.
Well Christmas is just around the corner. Have you gotten your shopping done, or do you even have an idea of what to get the people on your list? If your like me the answer is "NO" and I don't have the money either. Then this morning I saw the Today Show where they were showing free and nearly free gifts. Check this out
Not only to I have Christmas to worry about, but Jamie will be a year old on the 13th and Justin will be four on the 28th. Then add in there my mother's birthday on the 14th and my parents anniversary on the 18th. When (wiping brow) what a month. What was I thinking having two children in the month of December. I don't think that I was at the moment!
Oh and the latest news. What the heck is people's problem. What is this about wanting to change Christmas Tree to Holiday Tree. Christmas isn't about how many gifts you can get, but it was, is and should always be about Christ. I may not be religious, but I still believe in Christ, God, and something are just sacred to me.
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