Oh I can't wait. We got a light skiff of it this morning, but it's now melting. I finally got my lap top up and running, so I'm sitting here in my recliner, in front of my new Bay Picture Window and watching the snow fall. I'm going to enjoy it so much more this year now that I can enjoy the beauty of it from my warm and cozy front room.
I plan to sit here with my lap top and spend a lot of time writing my families books this winter. I have a lot of ideas and several books started. If only I had the money to start buying the ones that are finished.
We leave for California in a few weeks to visit our family. I'm looking forward to it. My husband's grandmother's health is failing. I plan to take advantage of this trip to interview her for a book that I will be writing about her. This may be my last chance, I hope not, but something in my gut says it may be.
I also haven't seen my best friend since 2004 when I last went down for my grandmother's funeral. She is so excited we are going down to CA that she has set aside one day just for us. She has also planned to host one of my celebrations and share this fabulous storybooking idea with her friends.
Stay warm and enjoy the snow. I know I will!
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