Well this is my first posting, so let me intoduce myself. My name is Amy. I just recently had a friend introduce me to blogging. I really enjoy it, so I thought I'd start my own site. I am a wife and mother of three wonderful children.
I have two boys ages 7 & 3 and a 5 month old girl. I had a career as an Account Rep. for a local printing company, but recently gave that up with the arrival of a third child. It's amazing how much daycare costs, it would have been more than my mortgage each month!
So I put my career on hold only to start up again for myself when my husband anounced out of the blue one day that he was ready to start his business. Hince the title of this blog. It seems like eveytime I turn around my life takes an unexpected turn. Sometimes a very sharp one. Like the arrival of an unexpected and unplanned third child! I believe everything in my life happens for a reason, and when I'm patient I usually see why.
So welcome to my blog and I look forward to your comments.
Welcome to blogging!
Good luck on your blog.
I think success is doing what you like, and fun, even if it is frustrating at times. And having enough money to pay the bills.
If you have $5 you spend $5. If you have $500 you spend $500.
If you don't have $500 then you find a way to do it for $5. lol..
So hang in there. And remember your business takes usually 2-5 years to be a success.
The blog is a blast, some times frustrating as you think you have a mental block but before you know it, the words just come out.
So sit back and have fun. Tell your friends, and family, and business people who have a sense of humor. And you will do fine.
I got a counter on mine about a month after I started and it help to know there were people who do read it, just don't like to comment.
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